Monday 13 September 2010

And so it begins.....

So if a 13 year old dork (her words not mine) can shoot to fame by blogging about what she likes best, I'm damned as well going to give it whirl myself. I'm HarveyNicksChick, a fun loving London girl, working in fashion and a semi-party girl (I don't warrant the full title; am not a social scene machine. Yet.). I invite you to taste little delicious nibbles of my life. Follow me or don't follow me. It was nice meeting you just this once.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! Have enjoyed reading your 2 first posts, love the colour of the dress (so autumnal), and am now following you. Can I recommend joining Blog Catalog if you want more followers, although it means reading other peoples' blogs.

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
    Feel free to visit mine at

  2. Thanks for advise Jewel! Am still very much a novice blogger!
    I will definitely check out your blog soon!
